Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

Much like FUE, donor hairs are taken from the back of the head and inserted into thinning areas. However, in FUT a “donor strip” is taken rather than individual hairs. This procedure starts at approximately $5,500.00

In the FUT procedure, a strip of hair-bearing skin is removed from the donor area of the scalp, usually the back of the head. This is why FUT is also known as ‘strip’ surgery.

The long-term donor hair supply will be influenced by how loose (or lax) the scalp skin is and by how many hairs there are per square centimetre of donor scalp. Generally speaking, the FUT procedure gives access to a greater donor hair yield during a lifetime compared with FUE.

The strip is then placed under high-powered microscopes and the surgical team meticulously divides it into tiny grafts of individual follicular units comprised of one to four hairs. These grafts are placed in a chilled tissue storage solution until they are transplanted.

The donor area is stitched up and usually then covered by the surrounding hair. After between 10 and 14 days the stitches are removed and the donor area heals to form a linear scar.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

This procedure starts at approximately $5,500.00

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